Professor Sabine Gless

Sabine Gless

Sabine Gless has been a full professor of criminal law and criminal procedure law at the University of Basel since 2005. Previously, she worked at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. She was also a visiting scholar at the Law Schools of New York University, University of Wisconsin and NUS Singapore.

She is an active member of many research networks, inter alia, Center for Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Bielefeld and European Criminal Law Academic Network.

Sabine Gless deals with legal issues in connection with the conversion to highly automated and autonomous driving and the increasing role of artificial intelligence in a courtroom. She was conducting the research on “Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law in Council of Europe Member States” (Sponsorship by Council of Europe). Currently, she is involved in the project “Human-Robot Interaction: A Digital Shift in Law and its Narratives? Legal Blame, Criminal Law, and Procedure? which is sponsored by Swiss National Scientific Foundation.

Moreover, she is a member of editorial boards of various professional journals in Switzerland, Germany and abroad (e.g. International Criminal Law and International Criminal Law Series, New Journal of European Criminal Law).

Professor Paul de Hert

Paul De Hert is Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law & Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

He directs the Research Group on Human Rights (FRC) and is former Director of the Research group Law Science Technology & Society (LSTS), and of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Law.

He is also associated professor at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT).

He is board member of several journals such as The Computer Law & Security Review (Elsevier) and Criminal Law & Philosophy (Springer).

Paul De Hert founded the annual CPDP conferences first organized in 2007.

Professor André Klip

André Klip (1965) is Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and the Transnational Aspects of Criminal Law at Maastricht University. Since 2016, he is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. He conducted research at the Yale Law School, New Haven and the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg im Breisgau. He is a member of the Board of Directors as well as of the Scientific Committee of the International Association of Penal Law. He has many PhD students and is always interested in challenging research proposals. He is founder and editor of the Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals (65 volumes since 1999). He is author of European Criminal Law. An integrative Approach (Intersentia Cambridge, 4th edition 2021). Throughout his career, professor Klip has been frequently involved in national and international legal practice. Both as an academic and as a practitioner he is very much engaged in international cooperation. Within the Maastricht Institute for Criminal Sciences he heads an interdisciplinary research group which is frequently invited to conduct studies on crime, perpetrators and how to combat criminal behaviour. He is a judge at the ’s-Hertogenbosch Court of Appeal (criminal division) in the Netherlands.

Professor Christoph Sorge

Professor Christoph Sorge

Christoph Sorge received his PhD in computer science from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He then joined the NEC Laboratories Europe, Network Research Division, as a research scientist. From 2010, Christoph was an assistant professor (“Juniorprofessor”) for Network Security at the University of Paderborn. He joined Saarland University in 2014, and is now a full professor of Legal Informatics at that university. While his primary affiliation is with the Faculty of Law, he is also a co-opted professor of computer science. He is an associated member of the CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security, a senior fellow of the German Research Institute for Public Administration, and a board member of the German Association for Computing in the Judiciary. His research area is the intersection of computer science and law, with a focus on data protection.

Professor Ian Walden

Ian Walden is Professor of Information and Communications Law and Director of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London. His publications include Media Law and Practice (2009), Free and Open Source Software (2013), Computer Crimes and Digital Investigations (2nd ed., 2016) and Telecommunications Law and Regulation (5th ed., 2018). Ian has been a visiting professor at the universities of Texas, Melbourne and KU Leuven. Ian has been involved in law reform projects for the World Bank, European Commission, Council of Europe, Commonwealth and UNCTAD, as well as numerous individual states. Ian was an ‘expert nationaux détaché’ to the European Commission (1995-96); Board Member and Trustee of the Internet Watch Foundation (2004-09); on the Executive Board of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (2010-12); the Press Complaints Commission (2009-14); a member of the RUSI Independent Surveillance Review (2014-15); a member of the Code Adjudication Panel at the Phone-paid Services Authority (2016-21); a member of the European Commission Expert Group to support the application of the GDPR (2017-21), and is a Non-Executive Board Member of the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (2020- ). Ian is a solicitor and Of Counsel to Baker McKenzie. Ian leads Queen Mary’s qLegal initiative and is a principal investigator on the Cloud Legal Project and co-author of Cloud Computing Law (2nd ed., 2021).

Professor John Vervaele

Prof. John Vervaele

John Vervaele is Professor at Utrecht Law School, Co-Director of Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (Renforce), and Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges. He is the President of the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP). He is also member of the steering committee of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) and has been elected member of the Council of the European Law Institute (ELI) in Vienna. He is the recipient of numerous academic honours, including the prestigious scientific award Pioneer (VICI) of the Dutch Scientific Organisation and many subsidy grants from the EU and Dutch Ministries.

His teaching and research record of 40 years of experience is mainly in the fields of enforcement of EU law, comparative economic-financial criminal law, comparative criminal procedure, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, European agencies and criminal evidence, terrorism and money laundering, procedural safeguards and human rights. Vervaele is a regular visiting professor at European and iInternational Universities in the US, China and Latin America.

Cornelia Kutterer

Cornelia Kutterer leads Microsoft’s European Rule of Law, Responsible Tech & Competition team which focuses on the impact of new technologies and regulatory frameworks that meet expectation of society. Her team covers policies such as responsible AI, digital safety and content regulation, privacy, lawful access, human rights, competition and health & life science. As part of Microsoft’s Academic Program, she regularly engages with leading European scholars. Cornelia has long standing experience in Information Society & Internet policies and speaks regularly at regional and international conferences. Before joining Microsoft, she led the legal department of BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation. She has also gained experience in a top 10 law firm and started her professional career in the European Parliament as a political advisor. Cornelia is a qualified German lawyer and holds a master’s degree in information technology and telecommunication laws. She studied law at the Universities of Passau, Porto, Hamburg and Glasgow/Strathclyde.